
SummaryThe main purpose of magical gems was to secure divine protection, avert evil influences and heal various diseases. Some body parts are especially addressed, such as the stomach and the uterus. This concern seems to relate to ‘societal diseases’ also found in contemporary literature. How do these ‘healing pictures’ function? The analysis of the pictorial elements reveals different levels of therapeutic efficacy. Some images use visual plays upon words, others combineEgyptian andGraeco‐Roman elements, allowing ‘bilingual’ readings. The mnemonic function of images,charakteresandvoces magicaealso requires further investigations. Objects could transmit the memory of oral rituals and knowledge. The transfer of magical figures on other media is very rare, but when it occurs, as on a few medical devices, it may help us to understand the mechanism of medico‐magical performance, combining formalism and inventiveness.

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