
Introduction.Nanoparticles of NiO pollute air of workplace in metallurgic production of nickel and alloyed steel (during their use in electric welding). Toxicity of NiO nanoparticles was studied in some experiments, but mechanisms underlying their toxic eff ects are not understood and require wider base of experimental data.Objective. To study toxic eff ects of NiO nanoparticles in chronic inhalation exposure.Materials and methods.Outbred female rats were subjected to repeated low-level inhalation exposure to NiO nanoparticles of 99.99% purity, measured 23±5 nm, 4 hours per day, 5 days per week, up to 10-month duration in an “only nose” device with concentration 0.2±0.01 mg/m3. To select this concentration, preliminary pilot experiment included 5-fold exposure with concentration 1.00±0.12 mg/m3.Results.NiO nanoparticles in short-term and chronic inhalation exposure aff ect lipids peroxidation, red blood parameters, liver and kidney functions, oxidation-reduction balance. All three terms of chronic inhalation experiment cause active alveolar phagocytosis reaction, and their high cytotoxicity is proved by relation of neutrophils to alveolar macrophages and by enzymes levels in bronchoalveolar lavage.Conclusions.NiO nanoparticles if inhaled in concentration 0.2 mg/m3 cause moderate toxic eff ect in experimental animals.

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