
The ICT Domicílios 2021 survey reveals the growth in the use of the internet in Brazil compared to periods prior to the Covid 19 pandemic. However, this expansion is not reflected in the percentages of selfauthored content posted by users: only 31% reported that they share something of their own creation, be it a text, image, photo, video or music. Among young people from Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) who are interested in politics, Silva's research (2022) revealed that only 34% claim to publish authorial content. Among the reasons given by young people, they mention fear of cancellation and hate speech. This article analyzes data from this survey in the light of discussions on infocommunicative literacy. We conclude that public policies in the country need to advance in terms of guaranteeing the right to the internet associated with education for the ethical, critical and democratic use of information and communication.

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