
The studies were conducted on the experimental fields of the FGBNU VNIIMZ (Tver region). The soil is sod-podzolic, light loamy and sandy gley, drained; humus content - 1.8-2.6%, the supply of nutrients - medium and high, the reaction of the soil environment - slightly acidic and close to neutral. The article discusses the impact of agrotechnical methods and herbicides on weed infestation and crop yield of spring grain crops. It was established that the right and timely pre-emergence harrowing of crops on the impact on yield is practically not inferior to the action of herbicides. The technical efficiency in the number of weeds from the use of herbicide was 60.6%, from a single pre-emergence harrowing - 41.0%, from a double one - 55.7%. It is shown that the efficiency of pre-emergence harrowing, its stability in years of different weather conditions, can be improved using the method of "delayed" sowing of spring grain crops. The technical effectiveness of harrowing with delayed sowing, compared with the control, where the harrowing was carried out on ordinary sowings without delay, increased by 33.6-38.8%, in some experiments in the number of weeds it was more than 70%. With equal yields, the cost of processing 1 hectare of crops with herbicides is 4-6 times higher than the cost of a single harrow and 2-3 times on a double harrow. To create non-herbicidal technologies for growing spring grain crops on drained lands, the method of sowing in ribbons on the ridges is of interest: the yield increases, the contamination of crops decreases.

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