
We are studying the challenge of finding text in everyday images using advanced computer techniques, specifically deep learning. Our system can accurately spot and read text in images. It uses Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks (CRNNs), a type of deep learning model, to locate and understand the text. Instead of relying on manual rules, our model learns from the data to identify text patterns. Our projects unique feature is that our model is trained on single- word images, making it versatile in recognizing different text styles and backgrounds. We trained our model using a large dataset, including the “MJ Synthetic Word Dataset”, which consists of 50,000 out of which we have taken 35000 astraining images, 15000 as validation images. The results have been promising, indicating potential real-world applications such as searching for words in large sets of images. Key Words: Advanced computer techniques, Deep learning, System, Spot and read text, Convolutional Neural Networks (CRNNs), Deep learning model

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