
ABSTRACTIn 1995, the Aerospace and Guidance Metrology Center (AGMC) Newark AFB won the prestigious Innovations in American Government Award for the innovative methods they used to eliminate ozone-depleting solvents used in precision cleaning. The array of technologies employed at AGMC are impressive, but the management of the technology innovation and implementation process is even more interesting. The “harnessing of innovation” allowed for rapid deployment, acceptance, and use of new equipment and methods. Managerial and administrative innovations that can be used in any organization to encourage and assist the transfer of innovative process technology are identified and described. Success factors addressed include: leveraging information resources, obtaining support from other areas, encouraging success through failure, and achieving management and employee buy-in.A short overview of AGMC's accomplishments are given to set the context for the managerial innovations. It is proposed that for innovation to flourish in an organization the firm must create an environment which (1) allows innovation and (2) encourages innovation. How AGMC accomplished both of these requirements is discussed. Finally, “lessons learned” by AGMC are followed by a list of tactics that can be used in other organizations to accomplish their tasks.

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