
The H - free E dge D eletion problem asks, for a given graph G and integer k , whether it is possible to delete at most k edges from G to make it H -free—that is, not containing H as an induced subgraph. The H - free E dge C ompletion problem is defined similarly, but we add edges instead of deleting them. The study of these two problem families has recently been the subject of intensive studies from the point of view of parameterized complexity and kernelization. In particular, it was shown that the problems do not admit polynomial kernels (under plausible complexity assumptions) for almost all graphs H , with several important exceptions occurring when the class of H -free graphs exhibits some structural properties. In this work, we complement the parameterized study of edge modification problems to H -free graphs by considering their approximability. We prove that whenever H is 3-connected and has at least two nonedges, then both H - free E dge D eletion and H - free E dge C ompletion are very hard to approximate: they do not admit poly(OPT)-approximation in polynomial time, unless P=NP, or even in time subexponential in OPT, unless the exponential time hypothesis fails. The assumption of the existence of two nonedges appears to be important: we show that whenever H is a complete graph without one edge, then H - free E dge D eletion is tightly connected to the M in H orn D eletion problem, whose approximability is still open. Finally, in an attempt to extend our hardness results beyond 3-connected graphs, we consider the cases of H being a path or a cycle, and we achieve an almost complete dichotomy there.


  • We consider the following general setting of graph modification problems: given a graph G, one would like to modify G as little as possible in order to make it satisfy some fixed property of global nature

  • Motivated by applications in de-noising data derived from imprecise experimental measurements, graph modification problems occupy a prominent role in the field of parameterized complexity and kernelization

  • In each case the input consists of a graph G and integer k, and the question is whether one can apply at most k modification to G so that it falls into class Π

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We consider the following general setting of graph modification problems: given a graph G, one would like to modify G as little as possible in order to make it satisfy some fixed property of global nature. A line of work [4, 5, 9, 12] showed that, unless NP ⊆ coNP/poly, polynomial kernels for the H-free Edge Deletion (Completion) problems exist only for very simple graphs H, for which the class of H-free graphs exhibits some structural property. A direct consequence of Theorem 3 and the work of Khanna et al [11] is that Kn \ e-free Edge Deletion does not admit a 2O(log1− |E|)-approximation algorithm working in polynomial time, for any > 0, where |E| is the number of edges in a given graph.

Basic graph definitions
Problems and approximation algorithms
Satisfiability and Exponential Time Hypothesis
Deletion problems
Connections with Min Horn Deletion
Lifting the quarantine
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