
The current state of the course of events presents society and scientists with the conditions in which the system of education and tourism should play a significant role as an effective tool capable of ensuring the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, exerting a high educational influence on each participant in the process. In modern psychological and pedagogical literature, tourist activity is defined as a comprehensive means of comprehensive development of the younger generation in active learning and improvement of the environment and themselves in the process of this activity. But socialization itself is a complex and multi-level process of an individual's entry into the social environment, assimilation, use and further transmission of social information in the form of attitudes, values, social roles, properties and qualities of the individual.
 The purpose of the research is to identify opportunities, justify and prove the effectiveness of tourist activities as a factor in the socialization of older teenagers. To achieve our goal, the following research methods were used: theoretical (interdisciplinary analysis of the state of the problem under study); practical (studying the experience of organizing students' tourist activities at school and in the extracurricular education system).
 Research results. In the modern education system, students' tourist activities play an important role as an effective tool that ensures the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, and in turn has a high educational effect. In modern pedagogical literature, tourist activity is defined as a comprehensive means of comprehensive development of the younger generation in active learning and improvement of the environment and themselves in the process of tourist activity. Conclusion. The conducted theoretical research made it possible to answer some urgent questions and solve specific pedagogical tasks, but at the same time it gave rise to new questions that still need to be answered. During the psychological-pedagogical analysis of the process of socialization of older teenagers, we came to the conclusion that the main result of socialization is a person's willingness to successfully adapt to the social environment and integrate into various social structures, while maintaining a certain balance of identity and personal uniqueness.

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