
In order to provide a background for rough set modeling of uncertainty, two types of incompleteness of information are discussed. Representation of uncertain knowledge acquired from incomplete information is outlined within the framework of information logics. Relational proof theory for the information logics is presented. It is shown how these logics and their proof systems can be handled in the GLEFATINF (Graphical & Logical Editing Framework) system. This computer program is a key component of the inference laboratory Atelier d'Inféence (ATINF) developed at LIFIA‐IMAG, our lab. It provides a general framework, independent of logic and proof systems, for combining inference tools, editing, and checking proofs. The basic principles of its design and implementation are given and its capabilities are discussed. Its application to define the information logics and their proof systems and to present proofs in these proof systems is discussed and illustrated.

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