
Mathematical texts can be computerised in many ways that capture differing amounts of the mathematical meaning. At one end, there is document imaging, which captures the arrangement of black marks on paper, while at the other end there are proof assistants (e.g., Mizar, Isabelle, Coq, etc.), which capture the full mathematical meaning and have proofs expressed in a formal foundation of mathematics. In between, there are computer typesetting systems (e.g., LTEX and Presentation MathML) and semantically oriented systems (e.g., Content MathML, OpenMath, OMDoc, etc.). In this paper we advocate a style of computerisation of mathematical texts which is flexible enough to connect the different approaches to computerisation, which allows various degrees of formalisation, and which is compatible with different logical frameworks (e.g., set theory, category theory, type theory, etc.) and proof systems. The basic idea is to allow a man-machine collaboration which weaves human input with machine computation at every step in the way. We propose that the huge step from informal mathematics to fully formalised mathematics be divided into smaller steps, each of which is a fully developed method in which human input is minimal. Let us consider the following two questions:

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