As a tropical country, Indonesia is a potential home for various tropical diseases. Although the government has made various efforts to prevent and combat tropical diseases, the incidence of tropical diseases is still high. This study aims at exploring the application of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) treatment of tropical diseases in East Java, covering the aspects of participation, transparency, and accountability. The approach used is a qualitative research with the setting of health stakeholders in four regencies of Madiun, Bojonegoro, Sampang and Surabaya. The results show that the handling governance of pulmonary TB disease, leprosy, dipthery, and HIV/AIDS that includes aspects of participation, transparency, and accountability has been well implemented, ranging from the level of planning, implementation to evaluation, although not yet fully run optimally. However, better human resource management, both in terms of number and competence as well as the intensification of community involvement, is still needed in order to further optimized the handling of tropical disesases in East Java.
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