
Research and Theoretical Issues in Child Language Acquisition: W.C. Ritchie and T.K. Bhatia, Child Language Acquisition: Introduction, Foundations, and Overview. Issues of Innateness, Maturation, and Modularity in Child Language Acquisition: N. Chomsky, On the Nature, Use, and Acquisition of Language. K. Wexler, Maturation and Growth of Grammar. B. Lust, Universal Grammar: The Strong Continuity Hypothesis in First Language Acquisition. W. O'Grady, The Acquisition of Syntactic Representations: A General Nativist Approach. D. Bickerton, Creole Languages, the Language Bioprogram Hypothesis, and Language Acquisition. M. Rispoli, Functionalist Accounts of the Process of First Language Acquisition. Semantics and Syntax in Child Word Learning: P. Bloom, Theories of Word Learning: Rationalist Alternatives to Associationism. L.R. Gleitman and J. Gillette, The Role of Syntax in Verb Learning. The Child's Acquisition of Phonology and Pragmatics: B.E. Dresher, Child Phonology, Learnability, and Phonological Theory. A. Ninio and C.E. Snow, The Development of Pragmatics: Learning to Use Language Appropriately. Research Methodology and Applications: S. Crain and K. Wexler, Methodology in the Study of Language Acquisition: A Modular Approach. B. Lust, S. Flynn, C. Foley, and Y. Chien, How Do We Know What Children Know? Problems and Advances in Establishing Scientific Methods for the Study of Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. B. MacWhinney, The CHILDES System. Modality and the Linguistic Environment in Child Language: V. Valian, Input and Language Acquisition. D. Lillo-Martin, Modality Effects and Modularity in Language Acquisition: The Acquisition of American Sign Language. T.K. Bhatia and W.C. Ritchie, The Bilingual Child: Some Issues and Perspectives. Language Disorders and Impairments: Special Cases of Child Language Acquisition: D.A. Dinnsen, Some Empirical and Theoretical Issues in Disordered Child Phonology. H. Clahsen, Linguistic Perspectives on Specific Language Impairment. List of Abbreviations. Author Index. Subject Index.

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