
Motivated by recent works on Hamiltonian circle actions satisfying certain minimal conditions, in this paper, we consider Hamiltonian circle actions satisfying an almost minimal condition. More precisely, we consider a compact symplectic manifold $(M, \omega)$ admitting a Hamiltonian circle action with fixed point set consisting of two connected components $X$ and $Y$ satisfying $\dim(X)+\dim(Y)=\dim(M)$. Under certain cohomology conditions, we determine the circle action, the integral cohomology rings of $M$, $X$ and $Y$, and the total Chern classes of $M$, $X$, $Y$, and of the normal bundles of $X$ and $Y$. The results show that these data are unique --- they are exactly the same as those in the standard example $\Gt_2(\R^{2n+2})$, the Grassmannian of oriented $2$-planes in $\R^{2n+2}$, which is of dimension $4n$ with (any) $n\in\N$, equipped with a standard circle action. Moreover, if $M$ is K\"ahler and the action is holomorphic, we can use a few different criteria to claim that $M$ is $S^1$-equivariantly biholomorphic and $S^1$-equivariantly symplectomorphic to $\Gt_2(\R^{2n+2})$.

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