
This study aims to determine the communication barriers of teachers in the physical education learning process in public elementary schools throughout the Kembaran District. This research is a descriptive study using a survey method with the data collection technique in the form of a questionnaire. The population in this study were 26 Physical Education teachers, data collection instruments using a questionnaire, data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis as outlined in the form of a percentage of teacher communication barriers to the physical education learning process in public elementary schools in Kembaran Subdistrict using 5 categories namely categories very good, good, medium, lacking, and very lacking. The results showed that the communication barriers of teachers to the physical education learning process in state elementary schools in the Kembaran sub-district were in the medium category, in detail there were 3 teachers (11.54%) in the excellent category, 3 teachers (11.54%) in the good category, 13 teachers (46.15%) in the medium category, 5 teachers (19.23%) in the poor category, 3 teachers (11.54%) in the very poor category.


  • This study aims to determine the communication barriers of teachers in the physical education learning process in public elementary schools throughout the Kembaran District

  • The results showed that the communication barriers of teachers to the physical education learning process in state elementary schools in the Kembaran sub-district were in the medium category, in detail there were 3 teachers (11.54%) in the excellent category, 3 teachers (11.54%) in the good category, 13 teachers (46.15%) in the medium category, 5 teachers (19.23%) in the poor category, 3 teachers (11.54%) in the very poor category

  • Prosedur Penelitian (Suatu Pendekatan Praktek) Revisi V

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Hambatan yang berasal dari dalam diri komunikator (internal) terdiri dari faktorpsikologis, sematis dan fisik. Beberapa contoh tersebut merupakan dampak dari ketidakberesan sistem komunikasi yang terjadi antara guru (komunikator) dan siswa (komunikan) pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Berdasarkan kedua pendapat di atas, dapat di simpulkan bahwa secara umum, ditinjau dari pandangan guru sebagai komunikator (penyampai pesan), hambatan komunikasi selama berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani terdiri dari dua faktor, antara lain faktor intern (dalam diri guru/komunikator) dan faktor ekstern (luar diri guru/komunikator). Dari berbagai pendapat yang dikemukakan di atas dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa guru penjasorkes Sekolah Dasar adalah orang yang mengajar penjasorkes kepada peserta didik, merencanakan, mengendalikan, dan mengevaluasi kegiatan pembelajaran penjasorkes tingkat Sekolah Dasar. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah hambatan komunikasi guru pada saat proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan subjek yang terdiri dari 32 guru pendidikan jasmani Sekolah Dasar Se-Kecamatab Kembaran. Sekolah Dasar yang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Kembaran berjumlah 30 sekolah

Instrumen dan Teknik
Teknik Analisis Data
Hasil Penelitian
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