
This research aims to analyze the reasons and their practices persist in producing traditional pottery. It was used the paradigm of thinking critically by implementing Geneology methodology as an effort to search for the relations of knowledge and power hidden behind their decisions, persist in the pottery craft tradition. This was analyzed using the generative structural theory of Pierre Bourdieu and the power-knowledge relation of Michel Foucault. The results of the study show that the survival of traditional pottery craftsmen in the Pejaten Village because they have internalized habitus that has been passed down from generation to generation and becomes a cultural capital in the form of knowledge, in making pottery objects. They can convert this cultural capital into other forms of capital. Their survival practices are also influenced by traditional figures (senior craftsmen) through the discourse making traditional pottery should not be abandoned as an effort to preserve ancestral cultural heritage. The practice of survival of the crafters not only preserves traditional culture but there is hidden knowledge behind the practice.

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