
The aim of this study was to identify habitat preferences of red-listedepiphytic and epixylic bryophyte, lichenized and non-lichenized fungi speciesinwoodland key habitats (WKHS) (areas less than 10 ha, where foreststructures indicate occurrence of red-listed species) in southern Sweden. Therelative importance of different groups of environmental factors was assessedwith partial canonical correspondence analysis techniques and across-validationapproach using data from 7196 selected WKHs. Different woody substrates (oldtrees, logs and snags) made up the most important variable group for occurrenceof red-listed species (30% unique explainable variation). Species associatedwith Fagus sylvatica and Picea abieshabitats, but also species associated with Quercus spp.andPopulus tremula habitats showed distinct habitatpreferences. The second most important variable group (16% unique explainablevariation) was geographical location. A west–east gradient was identified, andspecies concentrated to Baltic islands in the east were separated from otherspecies. This gradient, and an identified south–north gradient, probablyreflect differences in temperatures and rainfall between different regions.Among the remaining variable groups, historical land-use, ground conditions andforest stand composition were of similar importance (5–7% uniqueexplainable variation). Traditional management regimes resulting in semi-openforest habitats (leaf harvesting, forest grazing and selective cutting) wereassociated with the occurrence of many species, probably due to differences inmicroclimate between sites of different openness. Furthermore, a groundmoisturegradient extending from species associated with dry sites (mainly lichenizedfungi) to species associated with wet sites (mainly bryophytes), and a nutrientgradient from species associated with nutrient-poor sites to species occurringat nutrient-rich sites, were identified. Thus, conservation measures are neededin a broad spectrum of habitats with different substrates. Also sites withsimilar substrates, but situated in different regions (and climates), or withdifferent ground moisture and nutrient conditions are needed to cover the fullspectrum of habitat conditions suitable for different red-listed bryophytes andfungi.

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