
Javan Hawk-eagle, JHE (Nisaetus bartelsi) is an endemic raptor species of Java Island which is currently threatened due to habitat destruction, forest fragmentation, and illegal poaching. Eastern part of Java Island is the largest remaining habitat for JHE which consisted of 28 patches with an area of 4766.26 km2. Connectivity in the landscape plays a role in facilitating inter-patch movement, and as long-term conservation of biodiversity. This study was aimed to determine the degree of connectivity between habitat patches in eastern part of Java. The patches were analyzed using conefor sensonide 2.6 to determine the probability of connectivity between patches using connectivity indices. Three fractions namely PCintra, Pcflux, Pccon were used for determine the connectivity index. The results showed that seven patches were identified as core patches which was 70.32% (2965.94 km2) located inside the protected area. Thirteen patches that had PCcon under 10% as stepping stones among the patches around them. There were eight patches isolated from other patches because they had PCconnector = 0, and small patch size for supporting viable JHE population. These results will be useful for decision makers to decide the conservation priorities action in order to maintain the connectivity habitat of JHE in eastern part of Java.

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