
Guided inquiry is a learning model that encourages students to practice their thinking skills by asking questions and getting answers on the basis of curiosity. The Edmodo application is an E-Leaning based media designed to manage classes and assignments online so students can connect directly with their teachers and classmates. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in students’ critical thinking skills towards the implementation of guided inquiry model assisted by Edmodo application on Redox material. The sample uses cluster random sampling, namely 3 classes from X MIPA in SMA Negeri Semarang. The variables studied were indicators of students’ critical thinking skills with experimental design pre-test and post-test. The improvement test used a Normalized Gain Test (N-gain) the amount of N-gain in the control class is 0.6 in the medium category, and 0.7 in the high category in experimental class 1, and 0.72 in the high category in experimental class 2. The influence between variables produced a large correlation coefficient of cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental class 1 of 0.319 and in experimental class 2 of 0.408. The influence between variables produces a biserial correlation coefficient of experimental class 1 amounting to 0.319 and experimental class 2 of 0.408. The influence between variables produces a coefficient of determination of the experimental class 1 of 10% and experimental class 2 of 17%. The results of the study showed an increase in students’ critical thinking skills in both the control and experimental classes. The critical thinking skills students who were given the guided inquiry assisted by the Edmodo application in the experimental class were better than students who were given guided inquiry without the Edmodo application in the control class on the Redox material.

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