
This guest editorial introduces a special issue focused on the "Challenges and Opportunities in Sports Management and Marketing." We're exploring how the world of sports is changing and what that means for how we manage and market sports. The editorial gives an overview of what we'll be talking about, like how technology is affecting sports and how we can make sports more sustainable. We will also look at things like how cities build places for sports and how sports can attract tourists. In this issue, we have three articles that dive deeper into these topics. The first article by Bojan Jorgič examines the challenges and opportunities in developing sports infrastructure in Bratislava, Slovakia, with a focus on sustainability. Then, Behnam Oboudi's article investigates how gender influences attention to advertising during football matches. Lastly, Tianxiao Cao's article explores the mutual development of sports brands and tourism, using the World Cup in Qatar as a case study. By bringing together different ideas and research, and proposing future reseach directions and perspectives, this special issue aims to help everyone involved in sports better understand what's happening and what we can do about it.

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