
Citizenship is a fundamental right, a legal situation, a quality, a legal status. Therefore, fundamental rights are enshrined in constitutions and are determined by the legal status of the citizen, which are essential for citizens, for life, liberty and the development of their personality. These rights are essential only in relation to a company. The fundamental right - the right to citizenship, is a subjective right of citizens of a state, an essential right to life, liberty and dignity, indispensable for the development of human personality, a right established by the Constitution and guaranteed by the Constitution. The article includes the analysis of the guarantees of the right to citizenship in the legal systems analyzed comparatively: continental and Anglo-Saxon law. The authors consider it opportune to first make a brief characterization of the mentioned legal systems, highlighting the main features that bring them closer or distinguish them. The states in both legal systems under review provide in its legislation the possibility of naturalization for persons legally residing in its territories.

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