
Traditional notice boards are very difficult to maintain and involves very tedious process to change notice every time. This also is accompanied by waste of paper, ink, time, and manpower as well. This research work presents a low-cost new concept of digital wireless electronic notice board based on Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) modem whereby the required notice to be displayed will be sent through Short Message Service (SMS). This transmission of information is done by Radio Frequency wireless technique. In this device, a message or notice is sent to the display device like Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), and this message can be easily modified and sent from any part of the world, just by using the SMS facility in GSM cellular devices. Whatever notice to be displayed on the board is sent using suffix and prefix, and the message sent is displayed on the 16*2 display built on the wireless notice board. This work is very useful in schools, cinema halls, railway stations, colleges, offices etc. where the notice can be changed from anywhere, at any moment and as many times it needs to be modified.

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