
AbstractAs is well known the real Heisenberg nilpotent group A(R) constitutes the group‐theoretic embodiment of the Heisenberg canonical commutation relations (CCR) of classical quantum mechanics. In this connection, quantum mechanics stands for the quantum‐mechanical description, at a given instant of time, of a non‐relativistic microparticle moving in the one‐dimensional configuration space R and having the plane R2 as its (flat) phase space. In fact, the (nilpotent) Lie algebra n of Ã(R) reflects the Weyl equations which are global versions of the Heisenberg CCR. Unfortunately, the subject of Heisenberg nilpotent groups is outside quantum mechanics and all the more outside mathematical physics not as commonly known as it should be considering its wide range of applications in a variety of different fields. The present paper which has two parts aims to develop a central topic of nilpotent harmonic analysis, to wit, the microparticle model, the lattice model which will be realized on the Heisenberg compact nilmanifold, and the complex wave model (or Bargmann‐Fock‐Segal model) of the linear Schrödinger representation of Ã(R) in order to examine geometrically several applications which are governed by the real Heisenberg nilpotent group Ã(R). These applications are in Part I the classical Whittaker‐Shannon sampling theorem which is of basic importance in signal processing, to wit, for the transmission of digital signals as well as analog signals, and in Part II the Subbotin‐Schoenberg existence and uniqueness theorem of cardinal spline interpolation. Moreover, Part II indicates briefly some connections of the aforementioned models to the Wigner phase‐space quasiprobability density function of quantum statistical mechanics via the Schwartz kernels theory on unimodular Lie groups, an approach to the cross‐ and autoambiguity functions of radar synthesis, and to the Zak transform of solid state physics. The second part also points out some relations of harmonic analysis of the finite nilpotent group A(Z/NZ) to periodic spline interpolants admitting N equidistant knots on the one‐dimensional compact torus group T. These last examples should serve mainly as hints for some further lines of investigations in the field of applications of nilpotent harmonic analysis.

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