
Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze the relation between manorial administration, the emerging state, and space in the Austrian and Bohemian lands of the Habsburg monarchy between the end of the 18th century and the abolishment of the manorial system in 1848. The themes that will be discussed are the spaces of manorial administration, with a focus on the various manorial rights and their spatial relation to each other; the role of manors in the state-building process, which in the Habsburg Monarchy is closely linked with the reform period in the second half of the 18th century; and finally the relationship between state, manors, and subjects in the first half of the 19th century, with emphasis on administrative practice.


  • The purpose of this article is to analyze the relation between manorial administration, the emerging state, and space in the Austrian and Bohemian lands of the Habsburg monarchy between the end of the 18th century and the abolishment of the manorial system in 1848

  • The themes that will be discussed are the spaces of manorial administration, with a focus on the various manorial rights and their spatial relation to each other; the role of manors in the state-building process, which in the Habsburg Monarchy is closely linked with the reform period in the second half of the 18th century; and the relationship between state, manors, and subjects in the first half of the 19th century, with emphasis on administrative practice

  • His research focuses on the history of administration in the Habsburg Monarchy, manorial administration and the material culture of the nobility in the early modern period

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Cultural Turns, S. 289 (Zitat), 291f. 6 Kirsten Wagner: »Topographical Turn«, in: Stephan Günzel / Franziska. Ralph Melville: »Adel und Grundherrschaft in Böhmen an der Schwelle des bürgerlichen Zeitalters 1780–1850«, in: Helmuth Feigl / Willibald Rosner (Hg.): Adel im Wandel. Otto Brunner: »Staat und Gesellschaft im vormärzlichen Österreich im Spiegel von Ignaz Beidtels Geschichte der Österreichischen Staatsverwaltung«, in: Werner Conze (Hg.): Staat und Gesellschaft im deutschen Vormärz 1815–1848, Stuttgart 1962, S. Vgl. Brigitte Mazohl: »Die Zeit zwischen dem Wiener Kongress und den Revolutionen von 1848/49«, in: Thomas Winkelbauer (Hg.): Geschichte Österreichs, Stuttgart 2015, S. 34– 60; Friedrich Walter: Die österreichische Zentralverwaltung, Abt. 2: Von der Vereinigung der österreichischen und böhmischen Hofkanzlei bis zur Errichtung der Ministerialverfassung (1749–1848), Bd. 1/1: Die Geschichte der österreichischen Zentralverwaltung in der Zeit Maria Theresias, Wien 1938; Beidtel: Staatsverwaltung, Bd. 1, S. Geschichtliche Darstellung der inneren Politik der habsburgischen Monarchie von 1848 bis zum Untergang des Reiches, Bd. 1: Der dynastische Reichsgedanke und die Entfaltung des Problems bis zur Verkündigung der Reichsverfassung von 1861, Leipzig 1920, S. 431–438

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