
A growth performance and carcass evaluation study was conducted to determine the maximal inclusion rate of corn distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) in grower-finisher pig diets when formulated on a total AA basis. A total of 240 (28.4 +/- 0.8 kg of BW) crossbred pigs [(Yorkshire x Landrace) x Duroc] were allotted randomly within sex and weight outcome groups to 1 of 24 pens. Pens were assigned randomly within the initial BW groups to 1 of 4 dietary treatment sequences in a 5-phase grower-finisher feeding program in a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. The inclusion level of DDGS (0, 10, 20, or 30%) in the diet and the initial BW class [low (23.2 kg), medium (28.1 kg), or high (33.8 kg)] served as the main factors for the grower-finisher performance study. All diets were formulated to contain similar concentrations of total Lys, ME, calcium, and phosphorus within each phase. Pigs were slaughtered and carcass data were collected when the average BW of pigs in a pen reached 114 +/- 2.25 kg. Dietary treatment and initial weight groups did not interact for any response variables, and only the main effects of dietary treatment are presented. Pigs fed the 20 or 30% DDGS diets had reduced ADG (P < 0.05) compared with that of the 0 or 10% DDGS groups, but ADFI was unaffected by dietary treatment. Gain:feed decreased when pigs were fed 30% DDGS (P < 0.05) compared with the 0, 10, and 20% DDGS dietary inclusion levels. Loin depth was lower in pigs fed the 30% DDGS diets (P < 0.05), but backfat depth and percentage of carcass lean did not differ among treatments. Iodine number of carcass fat increased linearly (P < 0.01) with increasing dietary DDGS concentration, and belly firmness adjusted for belly thickness was reduced (P < 0.05) for pigs fed the 30% DDGS diets compared with pigs fed the 0 or 20% DDGS diets. Color measurements, ultimate pH, and visual evaluations (color, firmness, and marbling scores) of the LM did not differ among treatments. Cooking loss, 24-h drip loss, and total moisture loss were not affected by DDGS in the diets. However, differences were detected between 0 and 20% DDGS treatments for 11-d purge loss (P < 0.05). Dietary treatment did not affect Warner-Bratzler shear force of cooked loin chops. Results from this study indicate that when diets for grower-finisher pigs are formulated on a total AA basis, less than 20% DDGS should be included in the diet for optimal performance and carcass composition. Feeding DDGS in swine finishing diets did not have any detrimental effects on pork muscle quality.

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