
Large quantities of cull bananas are available world-wide, and often in regions lacking indigenous sources of high-quality protein animal feedstuffs. One possible method of utilizing these wastes is to upgrade them to microbial protein by means of bioconversion of the fermentable sugars of the ripe or over-ripe pulp by the yeastCandida utilis, which is nutritionally well-accepted. Studies of ripeMusa sapientum var. ‘Gros Michel’ bananas were conducted in order to obtain both the microbial and the engineering data necessary for the development of such an aerobic fermentation process. For banana pulp fermentation liquors in the concentration range 10 to 35% (w/v) fresh weight (FW) banana, the corresponding dry weight banana concentrations and the fraction of insoluble solids before and after sterilization (121°C, 30 min) have been measured and are reported. In addition to fermentation studies of banana liquor prepared from 10% (w/v) fresh whole banana, comparative kinetic studies of the batch growth and substrate assimilation pattern were performed on media containing as the sole soluble carbohydrate source either one of the major banana sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) or a mixture of the three. Wherever feasible, the maximum specific growth rate (μmax) was evaluated by four different methods: dry weight biomass, optical density, crude protein content of broth insoluble solids and dissolved oxygen history. In addition to the comparative μmax results, values of the biomass yield coefficient and the specific respiration rates for each case are presented and discussed. A preliminary process design of the fermentation section of a moderate-scale microbial protein production plant based on 20,000 kg FW banana/day feedstock is presented. The results of this study indicate that such a plant would yield about 2,900 kg/day of protein-enriched product containing 5 wt% moisture and 44 wt% (c. 1,400 kg/day) crude protein.

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