
Growth mechanism of PbTiO 3 and PbZr x Ti 1− x O 3 (PZT) films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on Pt(1 1 1)/SiO 2/Si(1 0 0), SrTiO 3(1 0 0) and SrRuO 3(1 0 0)/SrTiO 3(1 0 0) substrates was investigated using scanning electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The Volmer–Weber growth mode was observed for PbTiO 3 and/or PZT on both Pt/SiO 2/Si and SrTiO 3 with the SrO-terminated plane. PZT on both SrTiO 3 with TiO 2-terminated plane and SrRuO 3/SrTiO 3 showed the Stranski–Krastanov growth mode. From piezoresponse measurements using SPM, it was found that nano-size PbTiO 3 and PZT islands on Pt/SiO 2/Si observed at the initial growth stage showed ferroelectricity. Using PbTiO 3 islands as a seed, low temperature growth at 395°C of PZT thin films was demonstrated.

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