
Little is known about how the growth of individual Gambierdiscus species responds to environmental factors. This study examined the effects of temperature (15–34°C), salinity (15–41) and irradiance (2–664μmolphotonsm−2s−1) on growth of Gambierdiscus: G. australes, G. belizeanus, G. caribaeus, G. carolinianus, G. carpenteri, G. pacificus and G. ruetzleri and one putative new species, Gambierdiscus ribotype 2. Depending on species, temperatures where maximum growth occurred varied between 26.5 and 31.1°C. The upper and lower thermal limits for all species were between 31–34°C and 15–21°C, respectively. The shapes of the temperature vs. growth curves indicated that even small differences of 1–2°C notably affected growth potentials. Salinities where maximum growth occurred varied between 24.7 and 35, while the lowest salinities supporting growth ranged from <14 to 20.9. These data indicated that Gambierdiscus species are more tolerant of lower salinities than is generally appreciated. Growth of all species began to decline markedly as salinities exceed 35.1–39.4. The highest salinity tested in this study (41), however, was lethal to only one species, Gambierdiscus ribotype 2. The combined salinity data indicated that differences in salinity regimes may affect relative species abundances and distributions, particularly when salinities are <20 and >35. All eight Gambierdiscus species were adapted to relatively low light conditions, exhibiting growth maxima at 50–230μmolphotonsm−2s−1 and requiring only 6–17μmolphotonsm−2s−1 to maintain growth. These low light requirements indicate that Gambierdiscus growth can occur up to 150m depth in tropical waters, with optimal light regimes often extending to 75m. The combined temperature, salinity and light requirements of Gambierdiscus can be used to define latitudinal ranges and species-specific habitats, as well as to inform predictive models.

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