
Since asparagin is used frequently as a Substitute for peptone, it was substituted in the following observations and the differential characteristics of the organisms planted were observed. The media used differed in that a portion contained 1% dextrose while another portion did not. The constituents were: Asparagin 10 gm., dextrose 10 gm., MgSO4.7H2O 0.4 gm., NaCl 2.0 gm., KH2PO4 6.0 gm., K2HPO4 1.0 gm., agar 1.5 gm., distilled water 1000 cc. The salts as used resulted in a pH of 5.5. A control medium of 4% peptone, 1% dextrose and 1 1/2% agar was planted. The following pathogenic fungi and 2 saprophytes, Lichtheimia sp. and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis were observed: Achorion schoenleini, Acladium castellani, Candida candida, Endodermophyton tropicale, Endomyces capsulatus, Endomyces dermatitidus, Epidermophyton inguinale, Glenospora gammeli, Geotrichum bachmann, Indiella americana, Monosporum apiospermum, Microsporon audouini, Monilia albicans, Oöspora humi, Trichophyton crateriforme, Trichophyton granulosum, Trichophyton interdigitale, Trichophyton japonicum, Willia anomala. Observations were made over 30 days. The tubes were kept at room temperature. The table gives the number of days within which growth occurred. One plus indicates a scant growth, 2, 3, 4 plus successively larger growth, and 5 plus the entire slant covered; v plus indicates very scant, a growth which we have been able to duplicate on plain agar. In no instance were the control growths less than 4 plus nor was their appearance delayed more than 4 days.

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