
The population parameters of Encrasicholina punctifer (Buccaneer anchovy) from commercial fishery in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea coastal waters were studied from October 2014 to September 2015. A total of 13951 length-frequency data collected monthly by pair-boat purse seine and beach seine methods. The asymptotic length (L∞) and Von Bertalanffy growth function (K) were 11.5 cm and K = 1.4 per year, respectively. The value of to was calculated as -0.14 year. The longevity estimated 2 years. The total length ranged from 2.9 to 10.1 cm, with average 6.5 cm. The probability of capture were calculated in total length as L25=6.05 cm, L50=6.48 cm and L75=6.93 cm. Four cohorts distinguished annually with mean length of 4.56, 5.77, 7.21 and 8.50 cm. The length-weight relationship was determined as W= 0.0051 L 3.1114. Total, natural and fishing mortality parameters were estimated, 6.15, 2.84 and 3.32 yr-1 respectively. The current rate of exploitation (E) was given as 0.54, the values of exploitation ratio was found reasonable for current fishing effort. From the yield-per-recruit analysis, Emax, was estimated as 0.91. The results indicated that the Buccaneer anchovy stock was not overexploited, since E<Emax, it confirmed the good potential of anchovy stock in the area.

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