
The biology and fisheries of Tilapia mariae, the only tilapiine cichlid fish in the Iba Oku (Uyo, Nigeria) wetland stream was studied. There were more females than males in the population. The smallest sexually mature female fish was 11.0 cm total length (TL) while the size at 50% maturity was 17.1 cm TL. Absolute fecundity (Fe) ranged from 953 to 3200 eggs and was positively correlated with TL. The fish bred year-round with peaks in November, March–April and July–September. The seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) was fitted to the 12 consecutive months length–frequency data (n = 2439) to obtain a VBGF with the following parameters: L∞ (asymptotic length) = 30.4 cm TL, K (growth coefficient) = 0.4 year−1, C (amplitude of growth oscillation) =0.4, and WP (winter point) = 0.9. The seasonalized length-converted catch curve method gave Z (instantaneous total mortality coefficient) as 1.75 year−1, M (instantaneous natural mortality coefficient) was 0.99 year−1 while F (instantaneous fishing mortality coefficient) was 0.76 year−1 and E (=F/Z the current exploitation rate) was 0.43. Length at first capture (Lc) was 17.7 cm TL. The fish was recruited to the fishery year-round with two pulses. From the Beverton and Holt relative yield per recruit analysis via the selection ogive procedure, Emax (predicted maximum exploitation rate) was 0.54. The stock was not overexploited, since E < Emax. This study also showed that the fish is an r-selected species with a few K-selected traits.

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