
The oxygen precipitation of highly (17.5 mΩ cm) and moderately (4.5 Ω cm) boron (B) doped silicon (Si) crystals at 780 °C is investigated by following in-situ the evolution of diffraction Pendellösung oscillations. All samples show an initial diffusion-driven growth process which may change over into Ostwald ripening. For the highly doped sample and involving a nucleation step at 450 °C for 30 h, the precipitate density ρ is enhanced by a factor of 8 as compared to the moderately doped sample. The influence of a high B concentration on ρ is dramatically higher for the samples directly heated to 780 °C, where an enhancement factor of 80 is found. Considering Ostwald ripening as a second growth regime reveals consistent ripening rates and surface energies σ with those found at 900 °C in a previous publication.

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