
The growth and characterization of pure and doped BTZS single crystals are discussed. In the present study powder X-Ray diffraction data of the grown crystal were recorded using BRUKER D8 Advance powder crystal X-ray diffractometer with 2.2 KW Cu anode ceramic X-ray tube. The various functional groups present in the grown crystals were identified and confirmed by recording the FTIR spectrum using BRUKER IFS-66V spectrophotometer by KBr Pellet Technique in the region 4000 - 400 cm 1 . The UV - Vis - NIR optical spectra of the crystals were recorded using the VARIAN CARY 5E model spectrophotometer. The degree of dopant inclusion was estimated by using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The SHG efficiencies of the crystals were studied using Nd:YAG Q - switched laser.

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