
The groupoid normalisers of a unital inclusion $B\subseteq M$ of von Neumann algebras consist of the set $\mathcal{GN}_M(B)$ of partial isometries $v\in M$ with $vBv^*\subseteq B$ and $v^*Bv\subseteq B$. Given two unital inclusions $B_i\subseteq M_i$ of von Neumann algebras, we examine groupoid normalisers for the tensor product inclusion $B_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ B_2\subseteq M_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ M_2$ establishing the formula $$ \mathcal{GN}_{M_1\,\overline{\otimes}\,M_2}(B_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ B_2)''=\mathcal{GN}_{M_1}(B_1)''\ \overline{\otimes}\ \mathcal{GN}_{M_2}(B_2)'' $$ when one inclusion has a discrete relative commutant $B_1'\cap M_1$ equal to the centre of $B_1$ (no assumption is made on the second inclusion). This result also holds when one inclusion is a generator masa in a free group factor. We also examine when a unitary $u\in M_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ M_2$ normalising a tensor product $B_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ B_2$ of irreducible subfactors factorises as $w(v_1\otimes v_2)$ (for some unitary $w\in B_1\ \overline{\otimes}\ B_2$ and normalisers $v_i\in\mathcal{N}_{M_i}(B_i)$). We obtain a positive result when one of the $M_i$ is finite or both of the $B_i$ are infinite. For the remaining case, we characterise the II$_1$ factors $B_1$ for which such factorisations always occur (for all $M_1, B_2$ and $M_2$) as those with a trivial fundamental group.

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