
Generalized Simple Groups of Lie Type Chen Chong Hu. Abstract Group Theory Z.M. Chen. Several Questions About Finite Group Representations and Their Applications Fan Yun. Recent Progress on Classical Groups and Algebraic K-Theory in China Li Fu-an, You Hong. Some Work on the Connection Between Groups and Combinatorics Li Huiling. On the Subgroup Structure of Classical Groups Shangzhi Li. Complex Lie Algebras in China Lu Caihui, et al. Lie Algebras of Prime Characteristic Guang-Yu Shen. Left Cells in Certain Coxeter Groups Jian-yi Shi. Some Works on Modular Representations of Finite Groups Shi Shengming, Zhang Jiping. The Quantitative Structure of Groups and Related Topics W.J. Shi. Survey on Geometry of Classical Groups over Finite Fields and Its Applications Zhe-xian Wan. Representation Theory of Algebraic and Quantum Groups in China Jianpan Wang, Jiachen Ye. Some Work on Vertex-Transitive Graphs by Chinese Mathematics Ming-Yao Xu. Some New Developments in the Study of Differential Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces Yan Zhida, Hou Zixin.

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