
1.1. Let G be a connected reductive algebraic group defined over a finite (prime) field Fp of p elements. For a given rational G-module M one can consider the restrictions of M to the restricted Lie algebra Lie(G) and to the finite group G(Fp) of Fp-rational points. Even though there is no direct functorial connection between the categories of restricted Lie(G)-modules and G(Fp)-modules, the ambient algebraic group G can serve as a bridge linking these two important module categories. Early results of Curtis in the 1960s provided a one-to-one correspondence between the simple restricted modules (over k = Fp) of Lie(G) and those of G(Fp). This correspondence is given by simply restricting certain classes of simple G-modules. More importantly, these results, along with work of Steinberg, allow one to easily transfer the questions pertaining to the computation of irreducible characters among these three categories. For over thirty years, this approach has been one of the main ideas used to relate the representation and cohomology theory of algebraic groups, Lie algebras, and finite groups of Lie type (in the defining characteristic) (see, e.g., [CPSvan], [Jan2], [Hum3], and [Jan1]). Given the previous results in this area, a natural course of investigation should be to find relationships between canonical modules, like projective modules, for Lie(G) and G(Fp). More precisely,

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