
These notes are about the formulation of the Baum-Connes conjecture in operator algebra theory and the proofs of some cases of it. They are aimed at readers who have some prior familiarity with K-theory for C *-algebras (up to and including the Bott Periodicity theorem). I hope the notes will be suitable for a second course in operator K-theory. The lectures begin by reviewing K-theory and the Bott periodicity theorem. Much of the Baum-Connes theory has to do with broadening the periodicity theorem in one way or another, and for this reason quite some time is spent formulating and proving the theorem in a way which is suited to later extensions. Following that, the lectures turn to the machinery of bivariant K-theory and the formulation of the Baum-Connes conjecture. The main objective of the notes is reached in Lecture 4, where the conjecture is proved for groups which act properly and isometrically on affine Euclidean spaces. The remaining lectures deal with partial results which are important in applications and with counterxamples to various overly optimistic strengthenings of the conjecture. Despite their length the notes are not complete in every detail, and the reader will have to turn to the references, or his own inner resources, to fill some gaps. In addition the lectures contain no discussion of applications or connections to geometry, topology and harmonic analysis, nor do they cover the remarkable work of Vincent Lafforgue. For the former see [7]; for the latter see [62,44]. The notes are based on joint work carried out over a period of many years now with many people: Paul Baum, Alain Connes, Erik Guentner, Gennadi Kasparov, Vincent Lafforgue, John Roe, Georges Skandalis and Jody Trout. It is a pleasure to thank them all. I am especially grateful to Erik Guentner for writing the first draft of these notes and for his valuable assistance throughout their creation. Both authors were partially supported by NSF grants during the preparation of this paper.

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