The traditional wireless local area network(WLAN) standard, IEEE 802.11, adopts carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance(CSMA/CA) mechanism to allow a single user to compete for channel access. The upcoming WLAN standard, IEEE 802.11ax, combines orthogonal frequency division multiple access(OFDMA) technology with random access, and use Uplink OFDMA Random Access(UORA) technology as uplink random access. Therefore, UORA which allow multiple users to access channel at the same time can improve the utilization of network resources. Although UORA technology in IEEE 802.11ax has the advantage of low signaling overhead, when the number of users of network is large, the increase of random access collisions will lead to the decrease of network throughput. Therefore, we propose a group-based UORA method. As a central scheduling node, Access Point(AP) divide Stations(STAs) and resources to groups and sets different GroupID for different groups. STAs can only access resources with the same GroupID randomly. The validity of group-based UORA method is verified by mathematical model analysis and simulation. The network throughput of our group-based UORA is higher than that of the original UORA in IEEE 802.11ax, so it has great practical significance.
The traditional wireless local area network( WLAN) standard, IEEE 802.11, adopts carrier sense multi⁃ ple access / collision avoidance( CSMA / CA) mechanism to allow a single user to compete for channel access
UORA which allow multiple users to access channel at the same time can improve the utilization of network resources
UORA technology in IEEE 802. 11ax has the advantage of low signaling overhead, when the number of users of network is large, the increase of random access collisions will lead to the decrease of network throughput
11ax 中的中心接入点( access point, AP) 不但可以将 RU 资源调度给用户接入,而且支 持用户不预先申请资源情况下的随机接入。 IEEE 802.11ax 支持的随机接入技术就是上行正交频分多 址随机接入( uplink OFDMA random access,UORA) 。 下一代 WLAN 的部署场景包括企业办公室场景、户 外大型热点、密集住宅公寓、体育场场景等[2] ,这些 近年来学术界对 IEEE 802.11ax 中的 UORA 技 术进行了研究[3⁃4] 。 在文献[ 3] 中,通过自适应调整 退避窗大小和阶数使 UORA 接入的吞吐量得到优 化。 为了衡量调度接入和随机接入并存的网络联合 承载能力,笔者在文献[4] 中提出了“ 多用户接入容 量熵” 的概念,并用数学的方法得出 IEEE 802.11ax 调度接入和随机 UORA 接入并存的" 多用户接入容 量熵" 的解析表达式。 从已有研究上来看,存在以下 2 个问题:1当前 对刚刚写入草案的 UORA 技术的研究,主要集中在 建模和参数优化上,并没有解决当接入用户较多而 导致接入效率下降的问题。 2分组接入作为一种 MAC 层接入技术,多用于基于时隙 Aloha 的 RFID 系统和基于 RACH 的机器通信系统,目前还没有关 于分组应用在下一代 WLAN 中的研究。 1.1 传统 UORA 接入方法 IEEE 802.11ax 的 MAC 层在时-频维度以 OFD⁃
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