
This study presents the findings of an assessment of the ground water quality for drinking purposes using Water Quality Index (WQI). To ascertain the water quality, detailed physical and chemical analysis of water samples was carried out on samples. Samples from twelve (12) sampling points were taken and analysis was carried out on several parameters such as pH, Temperature, Electrical Conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Fluoride, Chloride, Bicarbonates, Nitrate, Sulphate, Magnesium, Iron. Analysed parameters were compared with the World Health Organisation (WHO). It was observed that most of the water sample parameters conformed to the standards for Drinking water. The Water Quality Index values obtained ranged from 36.32 to 113.11, signifying a water quality class ranging from excellent to poor water quality. From the classification of the samples, five (5) samples indicating about 41.67% of the total water sample was classed as having “excellent” water quality (WQI < 50), Six (6) samples representing about 50.00% of the total water sample showed “good” water quality (WQI 50-100) and one (1) which is 8.33% as having “poor” water quality (WQI>100). The low values of WQI in the water samples indicate that water obtained from this area is suitable for drinking with little or no treatment.

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