Water level (TMA) and soil temperature are two keys of environmental factors for ecosystem peatland study and for peatland ecosystem sustainability as well as crop productivity on peatland. On the other hand, climate change is another factor that cannot be avoided and affects the peatland ecosystem. Fluctuation of water level and soil temperature more severe on El Niño or dry years. Therefore, monitoring of water level and soil temperature on peatland ecosystem is important for sustainable peat management, especially on the dry years. The study objective was to determine the dynamics of water level and soil temperature on peatlands ecosystem in El Niño years and compare them to the normal year conditions. Water level and soil temperature were conducted automatically on rubber plantations on tropical peatland in Jabiren, Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan, from January to December 2015. Water level on the field and canal drainage on tropical peatlands followed the variations of precipitation. Although the average of annual precipitation on El Niño year is almost the same as normal year, but the water level and soil temperature show quite significant differences to the normal years. In addition, even water level was deeper and soil temperature is quite high in the dry season of El Niño years, but this field did not burn because productive plants were growth managed well by the owner.
Tinggi muka air (TMA) dan suhu tanah merupakan dua kunci faktor lingkungan untuk mempelajari ekosistem lahan gambut dan sangat penting bagi kelanjutan ekosistem lahan gambut maupun kelangsungan produktivitas tanaman di lahan gambut
monitoring of water level and soil temperature on peatland ecosystem is important for sustainable peat management
The study objective was to determine the dynamics of water level and soil temperature on peatlands ecosystem
Penelitian dilaksanakan pada perkebunan karet (02°24128.2oS, 113°38142.1oE) di Jabiren, Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah, dari Bulan. Lahan ini merupakan bagian dari proyek lahan gambut (PLG) yang dihentikan pada tahun 1997. Seluruh lahan tersebut terletak pada satu bentang penggunaan lahan gambut, dimana awalnya merupakan lahan semak atau hutan sekunder yang diusahakan untuk perkebunan karet. Pengukuran TMA dilakukan secara otomatis menggunakan sensor tekanan air (Model HTV 050KP-10-V, Senses Ltd, Japan) pada piezometer terbuat dari pipa PVC yang dilubangi setiap 15 cm dan dibenamkan pada tanah gambut sampai kedalaman tanah mineral untuk mencegah pergerakan pipa. Suhu tanah juga diukur secara otomatis menggunakan sensor (Thermochron SL type, KN laboratories, Japan) yang ditanam pada kedalaman sekitar 5 cm di dalam tanah gambut. Data curah hujan juga diukur di Palangkaraya (Hirano et al, 2009), sekitar 25 km dari plot penelitian untuk mengetahui dinamika curah hujan pada tahun kering tersebut
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