
According to DE Rujula et al. if the degenerate multiplet masses are known then it is not necessary to parametrize the interactions [1]. With degenerate multiplet masses calculated from the spinorial decomposition of the SU(2) × SU (2) part of the SU (6) × SU (6) symmetry, the ground states for 3, 4 and 5 quark hadrons are calculated in terms of the Cartan matrix integers nα which represent the symmetry breaking of the SU (3) × SU (3) part, which is known to be badly broken. The effective SU (3) symmetry is found to result from a color neutrality relation ∑nα = 0 for the ground state integer sequences nα=± 3, 0, ∓ 1, ∓ 2 which hold exactly for the J = ½, 1 multiplets and approximately for the J = 0 multiplets. A large number of mass relations within each multiplet follows from the integer sequence and include the GMO and other well-known relations. The number and accuracy of the mass relations and the ground states mass series supports symmetry breaking according to the Cartan matrix integers.

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