
The optical transitions of as-grown Ga0.64In0.36N0.046As0.954 multiple quantum wells grown at the low temperature of 375°C were studied by contactless electroreflectance (CER). The investigation was carried out at room temperature for a set of samples having quantum well (QW) widths ranging from 3.9to8.1nm. The ground and the excited state transitions were clearly observed in CER spectra (the ground state transition was observed at the wavelength of 1.9μm for the 8.1nm wide QW). The experimental QW transition energies were compared with theoretical predictions based on an effective mass formalism model. Good agreement between experimental data and theoretical calculations has been obtained assuming that the conduction band offset for GaInNAs∕GaAs interface is 80% and the electron effective mass is 0.09m0.

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