
Ab initio coupled-cluster, electron propagator, and Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory calculations are utilized to analyze the low-lying electronic states of several metal-doped B20. In the ground state, the presently focused AB20/EB20 (A = Li, Na, and K; E = Mg and Ca) consist of charge-separated A+B20-/E2+B202- frameworks. The excited electronic states of AB20 and EB20+ were analyzed by computing the vertical electron attachment energies (VEAEs) of AB20+ and EB202+. In several excited states, the radical electron is predominantly localized on the B20 frames, which are counterparts of the low-lying states of bare B20-. A variety of basis sets were tested on obtaining VEAEs, and the aug-cc-pVDZ/A,E d-aug-cc-pVDZ/B combination provided the best accuracy-efficiency compromise on them. Furthermore, this work analyzes the Rydberg-like excited states of AB20 and EB20+ and will serve as a guide for future studies on similar metal-doped boron systems.

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