
The desert of Egypt has brought to light a number of grammatical exerciseswritten on papyrus, which originally circulated in the classroom of the γραμματικός or ancient teacher of Greek grammar. As "direct" sources, theseschool papyri provide us - more than the indirectly transmitted literarysource material - with specific information about daily school practice, aboutthe didactic methods used by teachers and students, and about the contentand purpose of grammatical instruction in Greek antiquity. Moreover, giventheir varied character, they can be subdivided into several types: a series offragmentary preserved grammatical manuals; a set of morphological paradigmsof the verb, the noun, and the pronoun; 2 lists with a phonetic classificationof the letters of the alphabet; a couple of exercises with an elementaryform of syntax; and the inflection of a whole sentence. The present paperseeks to discuss a selection of school texts out of this direct and varied papyrologicalsource material in order to give the reader a short introduction toancient grammatical instruction.

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