
Dairy production systems represent a significant source of air pollutants such as greenhouse gases (GHG), that increase global warming, and ammonia (NH3), that leads to eutrophication and acidification of natural ecosystems. Greenhouse gases and ammonia are emitted both by conventional and organic dairy systems. Several studies have already been conducted to design practices that reduce greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from dairy systems. However, those studies did not consider options specifically applied to organic farming, as well as the multiple trade-offs occurring between these air pollutants. This article reviews agricultural practices that mitigate greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions. Those practices can be applied to the most common organic dairy systems in northern Europe such as organic mixed crop-dairy systems. The following major points of mitigation options for animal production, crop production and grasslands are discussed. Animal production: the most promising options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the livestock management level involve either the improvement of animal production through dietary changes and genetic improvement or the reduction of the replacement rate. The control of the protein intake of animals is an effective means to reduce gaseous emissions of nitrogen, but it is difficult to implement in organic dairy farming systems. Considering the manure handling chain, mitigation options involve housing, storage and application. For housing, an increase in the amounts of straw used for bedding reduces NH3 emissions, while the limitation of CH4 emissions from deep litter is achieved by avoiding anaerobic conditions. During the storage of solid manure, composting could be an efficient mitigation option, depending on its management. Addition of straw to solid manure was shown to reduce CH4 and N2O emissions from the manure heaps. During the storage of liquid manure, emptying the slurry store before late spring is an efficient mitigation option to limit both CH4 and NH3 emissions. Addition of a wooden cover also reduces these emissions more efficiently than a natural surface crust alone, but may increase N2O emissions. Anaerobic digestion is the most promising way to reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions from storage and land spreading, without increasing NH3 emissions. At the application stage, NH3 emissions may be reduced by spreading manure during the coolest part of the day, incorporating it quickly and in narrow bands. Crop production: the mitigation options for crop production focus on limiting CO2 and N2O emissions. The introduction of perennial crops or temporary leys of longer duration are promising options to limit CO2 emissions by storing carbon in plants or soils. Reduced tillage or no tillage as well as the incorporation of crop residues also favour carbon sequestration in soils, but these practices may enhance N2O emissions. Besides, the improvement of crop N-use efficiency through effective management of manure and slurry, by growing catch crops or by delaying the ploughing of leys, is of prime importance to reduce N2O emissions. Grassland: concerning grassland and grazing management, permanent conversion from arable to grassland provides high soil carbon sequestration while increasing or decreasing the livestock density seems not to be an appropriate mitigation option. From the study of the multiple interrelations between gases and between farm compartments, the following mitigation options are advised for organic mixed crop-dairy systems: (1) actions for increasing energy efficiency or fuel savings because they are beneficial in any case, (2) techniques improving efficiency of N management at field and farm levels because they affect not only N2O and NH3 emissions, but also nitrate leaching, and (3) biogas production through anaerobic digestion of manure because it is a promising efficient method to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, even if the profitability of this expensive investment needs to be carefully studied. Finally, the way the farmer implements the mitigation options, i.e. his practices, will be a determining factor in the reduction of greenhouse gas and NH3 emissions.


  • Article published by EDP Sciences Atmosphere CH4 CO2 N2O NH3 CH4 CO2 CH4? CO2 NH3Manures Cattle Vegetation

  • This article is a critical review of mitigation options accounting for direct N2O, CH4, CO2 and NH3 emissions as well as for indirect N2O emissions through ammonia and nitrate losses and relevant for organic mixed crop-dairy systems in northern Europe

  • We will focus here on the mitigation strategies suitable for organic mixed crop-dairy systems in northern Europe, by considering their different compartments (Fig. 2), grouped together into three subsystems: i/ animal production, which includes livestock and manure management, ii/ crop production dealing with crop rotation, fertilisation and soil tillage, and iii/ grasslands, grazed or cut

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Eutrophication and acidification of natural ecosystems (Ferm, 1998). Livestock production has recently been questioned because of its environmental damage, in terms of climate change and air pollution (Steinfeld et al, 2006). Cattle emit CO2 through the respiration of organic carbon from ingested grass or fodder This short-cycling carbon is generally seen as not relevant for the greenhouse effect, because it is assumed that carbon dioxide emissions have been fixed by plants through photosynthetic activity earlier in the farm cycle and make no net contribution to global warming (Schils et al, 2005). If the input of C into the soil is greater than its losses as CO2, C is stored in the soil In addition to their effect on global warming, agricultural activities and livestock farming are the main source of atmospheric ammonia, around 50% of European ammonia emissions coming from cattle production (Ferm, 1998). This article is a critical review of mitigation options accounting for direct N2O, CH4, CO2 and NH3 emissions as well as for indirect N2O emissions through ammonia and nitrate losses and relevant for organic mixed crop-dairy systems in northern Europe

Feeding strategies
Genetic selection
Herd characteristics
Manure management
Manure storage
Mitigation options during the storage of liquid manure
Mitigation options during the storage of solid manure
Application techniques
Spreading manure during the coolest part of the day
Incorporating manure
Spreading the slurry in bands
Crop production
Improving N-use efficiency
Timing the effluent application with soil wetness
Sequestering C through an improved fertilisation
Soil tillage
Limiting soil tillage
Avoiding soil compaction
Incorporating crop residues
Conversion from arable to grassland
Livestock density
Grazing system
Other prospects
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