
Abstract The current study has portrayed the synthetic mixtures of Themeda quadrivalvis using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GCMS), the combination of green silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) formed with macrolide antimicrobials. The counter microbial effects were investigated with various concentrates of plant compounds, AgNPs, and macrolide-formed AgNPs against respiratory microorganisms. GCMS examination has shown the presence of various substances that intensifies the chloroform concentrate of T. quadrivalvis. A total of 51 mixtures were distinguished, and furthermore, the most severe zone of restraint was found in chloroform removal and against Klebsiella sp. (18 ± 4.7 mm). It has been demonstrated that the green mixture of AgNPs containing macrolide anti-toxins, such as azithromycin, erythromycin, and clarithromycin, demonstrates extensive antibacterial activities against a wide range of microorganisms. In contrast, the green union of AgNPs also demonstrates their efficacy against a wide range of respiratory microbes. The particles containing numerous relatively small fragments that were observed in the scanning electron microscopy analysis were found to be 20 nm in size. Previous studies have focused on phytochemicals and green amalgamations of AgNPs, but not much detail has been provided on T. quadrivalvis. It has been reported that the two concentrates (a plant concentrate in combination with consolidated green nanoparticle macrolide anti-toxins). The present study aims to treat respiratory microorganisms with a green methodology approach using nanotechnology; this analysis primarily focuses on offering creative approaches to make drugs against respiratory microbes.

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