
The project novelty of the world’s urban development trends is associated with new approaches to the organization of the modern human life environment. Issues of integrated development of territories with the organization of different types of public spaces in the natural environment are solved at different urban planning levels. Residential and office clusters with new forms of socio-cultural and recreational scenarios represent a modern design in which objects do not have visible borders between nature, architecture and the human environment. This is a new type of hybridization of a building with an environment where nature and technology, education and entertainment, history and modernity combine and complement each other. On the other hand, increasing risks on the planet from floods, hurricanes, fires and droughts force specialists to adapt to these changes and learn how to control them through new design technologies. Therefore, the emergence of “hybrid objects, blocks and spaces” is not accidental and is associated with a change in perceptions about the level of environmental sustainability and comfort of living for people of different ages and social status in large cities. Depending on the social order and location in different parts of the city, hybrid facilities have a strong impact on environmental change when using green building technologies and offer citizens a variety of activities in a harmonized environment. They have a powerful scientific resource in working on the aesthetics and ecology of the city, as their typological structure affects the indicators of environmental sustainability by forming a new green and blue infrastructure of the city. Due to the high interest of specialists, hybrid objects and spaces deserve careful study, as they affect not only the quality of the urban environment when using the tools and technologies of architecture, landscape and design, but also the issues of urban management and climate change in the near future.

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