
The Green’s function method is used to derive general equations for describing effects of pairing in Fermi systems where there are two types of interaction, two-particle and quasiparticle-phonon interaction. These equations generalize Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffertheory to the case of complex configurations involving “strong” phonons. In the approximation of weak coupling to phonons, realistic equations that make it possible to describe excited states of nonmagic even-even nuclei with allowance for a single-particle continuum and complex configurations of the two quasiparticles ⊗ phonon type are formulated for the first time. These equations are solved for an isovector E 1 resonance in the stable isotope 120 Sn and in the unstable isotopes 104,132Sn. It is shown that complex configurations must be taken into account in order to describe E1 excitations—in particular, in a broad energy region around the nucleon binding energy.

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