
A realistic version of the generalization of the theory of finite Fermi systems to the case where some complex configurations involving phonons are explicitly taken into account is proposed. Secular equations describing the fragmentation of simple states in odd and even-even nuclei over complex configurations that belong to, respectively, the quasiparticle ⊗ phonon + quasiparticle ⊗ phonon ⊗ phonon and the two quasiparticles ⊗ phonon type and which are presently of greatest interest are derived on the basis of general relations for nuclei that involve pairing (nonmagic nuclei). These equations take into account effects associated with ground-state correlations due to complex configurations and with the additional quasiparticle-phonon mechanism of Cooper pairing in nuclei. The effects in question were disregarded previously, but they are of interest since they can be observed in present-day experiments.

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