
Abstract Spring and summer applications of insecticides to a sheep pasture area were evaluated for efficacy in controlling green June beetle larvae. Treatments were applied in separate but nearby areas on 4 May and 21 Sep and replicated 4 times in a completely random design. Plots were 3 × 3 m and 1.8 × 1.8 m for spring and summer treatments, respectively. Liquid and soluble powder formulations were applied in 0.22 liter of water/m2 with a hand-held sprinkling can. No treatments were irrigated except the Dylox 5G plots, which received 0.22 liter of water/m2. Granules were applied with a hand shaker. Environmental and soil conditions at the spring treatment time were as follows: air temperature, 16.8°C; soil temperature (10 cm), 14.6°C; minimum overnight temperature before 1 DAT counts 0°C; soil dry. In the summer, conditions were as follows: air temperature, 24.1°C; soil temperature (10 cm), 20.2°C; minimum overnight temperature before 1 DAT counts 18.5°C; soil moist. Soil in the test area was pH 5.3 with an organic matter level of 5.5%. The only precipitation during the trial periods was 0.05 inches overnight after summer treatments were applied. There was no hatch layer in either test area and much of the ground was bare of grass due to grazing and activity of sheep. Treatment evaluations consisted of counting and removing all grubs on the surface of each plot at 1 and 7 DAT. Twenty-four h prior to the 7 DAT evaluation, the entire test area was treated with Sevin SL at 6.72 kg (AI)/ha.

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