The current research examines how green entrepreneurial orientation affects environmental performance in Pakistan’s manufacturing industries. It also examines the function of environmental innovation as a mediator in this relationship. In addition, stakeholder pressure is a moderating variable between green entrepreneurial orientation and environmental performance. For the current investigation, we employ structural equation modeling as a model estimation technique. The participants’ data were gathered using a random sampling technique, and 208 questionnaires were subsequently analyzed. Results show that green entrepreneurial orientation increases environmental performance. In addition, the influence of green entrepreneurial orientation on environmental performance is significantly mediated by environmental innovation. The study’s moderating impact revealed that green entrepreneurial orientation affects environmental performance through environmental innovation and that stakeholder pressure validates its contribution to environmental performance. This study focuses on how green entrepreneurial approaches and environmental innovation are impacted by increasing stakeholder pressure for better environmental performance. Drawing on stakeholders’ theory and natural resource-based view theory. The present research provides new insights into green entrepreneurial orientation and environmental innovation for sailing toward environmental performance. It develops a theoretical framework model emphasizing the connections between green entrepreneurial orientation, environmental innovation, and stakeholder pressure and their impact on environmental performance.
Published Version
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